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Beta Chemicals

Beta Chemicals

Tightening a bolt is not always enough to guarantee secure tightening.
Cleaning, lubrication and sealing are also necessary.

Therefore, we have developed a range of high-quality chemicals to supplement the wrenches and tightening tools we have been manufacturing for 100 years.
The products, which were selected based on accurate assessment of the requirements of the users, whether vehicle repair shops or industrial maintenance firms, can satisfy general as well as special needs.

Working with Italian-based companies leading the way in premium production worldwide allowed us to develop top-performance products.
One hundred percent Italian production, first-rate raw materials, ongoing innovation of the manufacturing cycles and stringent testing result in a minimized impact on both man and the environment.

The range comprises anaerobic sealants, cyanoacrylate adhesives and aerosol cans for maintaining, cleaning and lubricating mechanical parts.

Countries where the products of the Beta Chemicals range are allowed to be distributed: Austria, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Slovakia, Solvenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates.